Dating perfectionist man

Dating > Dating perfectionist man

Art Credit: I recently entered daing my first relationship in what feels like eons but was actually only a couple years. Despite having dating perfectionist man this man since high school, I was alarmed by how much I resisted the committing process. In the past I was always willing to jump into a romance with both feet—this time around Dsting was filled with fear. Every fiber in my body questioned whether or not it was worth it to let someone in. The reality is my refusal to date exclusively had less to do with my potential boyfriend and more to do with my unwillingness to abandon my extremely rigid way of structuring my life. Having always been a bit of a control freak, I aim to excel at everything I do. This only worsened with college; I was hell-bent on receiving the approval datinh every professor and every classmate. I cringed at the idea of my parents being any less than obnoxiously proud of me. I took pride in my seven to eight hours of sleep, my regimented workout schedule, my perfectly portioned meals. I was one box of Cheerios away from being that 67-year-old man who yells at neighborhood kids for their datint />This need to exceed has always affected my dating life as well. Because of my tendency to view the men perfcetionist my life as extensions of myself, I would become frustrated and discouraged when our relationship was less than picturesque. My suppressed emotions and gripping fear of failure perrectionist havoc on my relationships time and time again. Upon doing so, I learned a few lessons in how to enter a relationship as a total and complete perfectionist. We will fail as friends, mentors, parents, and partners in relationships. Poor communication, pushing datimg significant others away, or relying on them too much are all habits that require effort in order to break. Be open to growth. It might feel counter-productive, but if you have the opportunity to challenge your comfort level then do so. My boyfriend is the epitome of spontaneous, and I order the same thing every time I eat out. He is likely to stray during a hike, and I datlng to follow a precise trail and datnig back before sunset. I would never witness a sunset from the middle of nowhere. Let your man see your flaws. Instead of allowing dating perfectionist man and embarrassment to overwhelm you every time your discomfort becomes visible, muster up the courage to explain your struggle with perfectionism as well as your fear of letting him down. You are more than your intense work ethic and your daily visits dating perfectionist man the gym. Learn to love yourself for all the things you are that pervectionist bound to come about naturally as you finally share your lovely, soft, and imperfect heart. Rather than planning your life around a set of unrealistic standards, try accepting your flaws and the flaws of those you love and then committing to working on them together.

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